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Innisfree Garden Moving Through the Tao Te Ching: Poetry, Garden, and Body as One
June 29, 2024

In this multidisciplinary program, dancer, writer, and movement therapist Cris Caivano will lead participants to points at Innisfree that she feels align with passages implying motion in the Tao De Ching, a revered twenty-five-hundred-year-old Chinese poem. The group will read and discuss the relevant passage and then perform site-specific movements choreographed to express the literary and physical ideas around us. The Tao Te Ching remains a source of global inspiration today. Attributed to Lao Tzu, the found of Taoism, or perhaps an assemblage of teachers, it is a guide to cultivating wisdom and spiritual centeredness.

Long a professional dancer and choreographer, local resident Cris Caivano is a movement therapist, qigong and dance educator, and writer who studies the Tao Te Ching.

This all-ages program is beginner-friendly. Participants should wear comfortable shoes and clothing that allow for easy movement.