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Events, gatherings, & outings: What to see and do in the Millbrook, NY area.

Tracy O’Neill Interview on New Memoir Woman of Interest with Jonathon Lee
September 12, 2024

Oblong Books – 26 Main St, Millerton

You won’t want to miss distinguished author and Vassar College assistant professor Tracy O’Neill as she makes her way to the Hudson Valley! Oblong Books will be hosting the renowned author as she presents her latest and heavily acclaimed memoir titled Woman of Interest. Oprah Daily has called Woman of Interest an  “…urgent, atmospheric memoir meets noir about family shadows, writing, and the pursuit of searching for answers we know we might never find.” At Oblong, O’Neill will discuss her experience trailing her birth mother across the globe, the challenges she faced amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic, and the profound revelations she encountered in the process.