Events, gatherings, & outings: What to see and do in the Millbrook, NY area.

Spend an hour investigating some of Innisfree’s exceptional trees with noted horticulturist, teacher, and Innisfree trustee Brad Roeller.
We’ll walk the garden and meet a number of unique specimens, including bald cypress and Dawn redwoods, Japanese tree clethra, Sargent’s weeping hemlocks, sourwood, seven sons flower tree, Korean mountain ash, cedar of Lebanon, Japanese zelkova, contorted white pine, Japanese umbrella pine, and the Amur maackia.
Drawing on his work at the New York Botanical Garden, Cary Institute, and noted private estates, Brad will share what makes these trees so special as well as tips on how to successfully incorporate them into your own landscape.
Participation in this walk is limited. Advance registration is strongly suggested.